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Error Handling

Clipanion will catch by default all errors thrown by your application and print their stacktrace. If you wish to prevent the stacktrace from being printed, throw an instance of UsageError instead of the typical Error. Clipanion will then only display the provided message, along with the command usage line.

Note that while throwing an error (or a UsageError) sets the exit code to 1, it's different from just returning 1 as exit code. In the latter case, Clipanion won't display anything else than what you printed yourself.

As a rule of thumb:

  • Throw an Error for unexpected internal errors such as failed assertions
  • Throw a UsageError for errors caused by invalid options / environments
  • Return 1 if the command is properly executed but something needs to be signaled to the caller (for example grep returning an error when no match is found, or a lint command when detecting errors while checking a file)

Custom Error Handling​

In some cases you may want to take control over what Clipanion does when a command throws. In that case, override the catch method when declaring your command:

import {Command} from 'clipanion';
export class HelloCommand extends Command {
async execute() {
throw new Error(`Hello world`);
async catch(error: unknown) {
// You can do whatever you want here, like rethrow the original error
throw error;
import {Command} from 'clipanion';
export class HelloCommand extends Command {
async execute() {
throw new Error(`Hello world`);
async catch(error: unknown) {
// You can do whatever you want here, like rethrow the original error
throw error;