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Execution Contexts

In Clipanion commands have what we call a context. Under this fancy word is simply an arbitrary object that we provide to all commands via this.context during their execution. The default context is fairly simple:

import type {Readable, Writable} from 'stream';
interface BaseContext {
env: Record<string, string | undefined>;
stdin: Readable;
stdout: Writable;
stderr: Writable;
colorDepth: number;
import type {Readable, Writable} from 'stream';
interface BaseContext {
env: Record<string, string | undefined>;
stdin: Readable;
stdout: Writable;
stderr: Writable;
colorDepth: number;

You can define your own contexts (that extend the default one) to pass more complex environment options such as the cwd, or the user auth token, or the configuration, or ...


You may wonder why we keep streams in the context in the first place, rather than just use the classic console.log family of functions. This is because this way commands can easily intercept the output of other commands (for instance to capture their result in a buffer), which allows for better composition.


If you'd prefer for this to be automatically handled by Clipanion so that all writes to the console.log family are captured and forwarded to the right streams, add enableCapture: true to your CLI configuration. It even supports proper routing when multiple commands run in parallel!

Context Switches​

When calling the this.cli API, the run function takes a partial context object - contrary to the usual and cli.runExit functions, which require a full context. This partial context will then be applied on top of the current one, so forwarded commands will automatically inherit the context you don't override.

import {PassThrough} from 'stream';
class BufferCommand extends Command {
async execute() {
const passThrough = new PassThrough();
await[`other-command`], {
stdout: passThrough,
import {PassThrough} from 'stream';
class BufferCommand extends Command {
async execute() {
const passThrough = new PassThrough();
await[`other-command`], {
stdout: passThrough,