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Command Paths

By default Clipanion mounts all commands as top-level, meaning that they are selected for execution from the very first token in the command line. This is typically what you want if you build a Posix-style tool, like cp or curl, but not when building a CLI application, like yarn or react-native.

To help with that, Clipanion supports giving each command one or multiple paths. A path is a list of fixed strings that must be found in order for the command to be selected as an execution candidate. Paths are declared using the static paths property from each command class:

class InstallCommand extends Command {
static paths = [[`install`], [`i`]];
async execute() {
// ...
class InstallCommand extends Command {
static paths = [[`install`], [`i`]];
async execute() {
// ...

In the example above, we declared a command that accepts any of two paths: install, or i. If we wanted the command to also trigger when no path is set (just like the default behavior), we'd use the Command.Default special path:

import {Command} from 'clipanion';
// ---cut---
class InstallCommand extends Command {
static paths = [[`install`], [`i`], Command.Default];
async execute() {
// ...
import {Command} from 'clipanion';
// ---cut---
class InstallCommand extends Command {
static paths = [[`install`], [`i`], Command.Default];
async execute() {
// ...

You could also use an empty array instead of the Command.Default helper, but using the provided symbol is a good way to clearly signal to the reader that a command is also an entry point.

Path Overlaps​

It's possible for a path to overlap another one, as long as they aren't strictly identical:

import {Command} from 'clipanion';
// ---cut---
class FooCommand extends Command {
static paths = [[`foo`]];
async execute() {
// ...
class FooBarCommand extends Command {
static paths = [[`foo`, `bar`]];
async execute() {
// ...
import {Command} from 'clipanion';
// ---cut---
class FooCommand extends Command {
static paths = [[`foo`]];
async execute() {
// ...
class FooBarCommand extends Command {
static paths = [[`foo`, `bar`]];
async execute() {
// ...

Clipanion will property execute FooBarCommand when running foo bar, and FooCommand when running just foo. You can even declare positional arguments on FooCommand if you want, which will get picked up as long as they don't match bar!


You can even have multiple commands that have identical paths but different options, as long as the user specifies an option unique to one of them (or doesn't if the option is required) when invoking the command! The only caveat is that if they don't Clipanion won't know which version to use and will throw a AmbiguousSyntaxError.