
Integrating with React

Terminosaurus provides a native integration allowing you to use React components in your terminal applications. This is useful if you want to create complex user interfaces or if you're already familiar with React.

Basic usage

Import the terminosaurus/react entry point instead of the default one, and call render instead of run:

import {render} from 'terminosaurus/react';

render(<term:div>Hello, world!</term:div>);

CSS styling

The React integration provides more natural bindings for CSS properties:

  • Enums are referenced by their name instead of their fully-qualified names (ie you should use "hidden" instead of StyleValues.Overflow.Hidden).
  • CSS props are top-level rather than aggregated in a separate style object (ie you should use overflow="hidden" instead of style={{overflow: "hidden"}}).
  • Numeric units are interpreted as pixel units (ie width={100} is equivalent to width="100px"). String units suffixed by % are treated as relative sizes.
import {render} from 'terminosaurus/react';

  <term:div width={`100%`} height={`100%`} border={`modern`} backgroundColor={`blue`} color={`white`}>
    Hello, world!

Event handling

You can attach event handlers to React components using the on prefix:

import {useState} from 'react';
import {render} from 'terminosaurus/react';

function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  return (
    <term:div onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
      Clicked {count} times

Writing your first app